Use a Series of Events Chain to Review Events That Led to the Founding of Jamestown

The Jamestown Chronicles Timeline

Christopher Columbus never reached the shores of the North American Continent, but European explorers learned 3 things from him: there was someplace to become, there was a way to get at that place, and most importantly, there was a fashion to get back. Thus began the European exploration of what they referred to as the "New Earth."

The following timeline details important events in the establishment of the beginning permanent English settlement in America — Jamestown, Virginia .

Preliminary Events | Early Settlement Years | Gates/Dale Years | Growth and Stability | A New Government
War and the Demise of the Virginia Company | A Royal Colony | The Rise of Middle Plantation

Preliminary Events

1570s: Spanish Jesuits set an Indian mission on the York River in Virginia. They were killed by the Indians, and the mission was abased.

Wahunsonacock (Primary Powhatan) inherited a chiefdom of 6 tribes on the upper James and eye York Rivers. By 1607, he had conquered virtually 25 other tribes.

1585-1590:Three separate voyages sent English settlers to Roanoke, Virginia (now North Carolina). On the last voyage, John White could not locate the "lost" settlers.

1597: Powhatan conquered the Kecoughtans, a big a prosperous tribe at the mouth of the James River. Captain Bartholomew Gosnold explored New England, naming some areas near Martha's Vineyard.

1602: Captain Bartholomew Gosnold explored New England, naming some areas near and including Martha'southward Vineyard.

1603: Queen Elizabeth I died; James VI of Scotland became James I of England.

Early Settlement Years

1606, April: James I of England granted a lease to the Virginia Visitor to establish colonies in Virginia. The charter named two branches of the Company, the Virginia Company of London and the Virginia Company of Plymouth.

1606, Dec twenty: Three ships — Susan Abiding, Godspeed, and Discoveryleft London with 105 men and boys to establish a colony in Virginia between 34 and 41 degrees latitude.

1607, April 26: The three ships sighted the state of Virginia, landed at Cape Henry (present day Virginia Beach) and were attacked by Indians. Dorsum on board, Captain Christopher Newport opened the box containing the names of the seven-human being council — Captain Christopher Newport, Edward Maria Wingfield, Captain Bartholomew Gosnold, Helm John Ratcliffe, Helm John Martin, Helm George Kendall, and John Smith. Wingfield was elected president of the council.

A few days later they moved into the James River and stopped at Kecoughtan (nowadays twenty-four hours Hampton), where the Indians welcomed them.

1607, May 1-14: Exploring parties sailed upward the James River in search of a suitable place to settle, following the instructions given to them past Visitor officials in London.

1607, May 13-14: On May 13 the colonists chose Jamestown Island equally the site for settlement, considering it met the London Company'southward instructions and it had a deep river channel nearby. On May fourteen they stepped ashore and began fortifying the area against Spaniards and Indians.

1607, May: Almost a week after establishing Jamestown, Helm Newport led a group of 23 men, including John Smith, George Percy, and Gabriel Archer on an exploration upwards the James River. They discovered rocks and shoals in the area of present-mean solar day Richmond. They met Powhatan Indians who were eager to merchandise and enjoyed their hospitality. They learned of the existence of Master Powhatan.

1607, May 26: The colonists ready well-nigh building a more substantial fortification after experiencing an Indian set on. This 2d fort has been described as triangular with a bulwark at each corner containing iv or v pieces of ordinance.

1607, June 21: Reverend Robert Chase held the first Anglican communion in Jamestown under a sail used for protection.

1607, June 22: Captain Christopher Newport returned to England on the Susan Abiding, loaded with wood and other natural resources for auction in English language markets.

1607, September: Charges were brought against Edward Maria Wingfield, president of the Jamestown quango. He was deposed and replaced by John Ratcliffe.

1607, Autumn: Over half the colonists died, most from disease and starvation, a few from wounds caused by Indians.

Colonists arrived at the Kennebec River in Maine and built St. George's Fort, as representatives of the Virginia Company of Plymouth, under the leadership of Sir George Popham. The colony lasted less than a year, abased in April 1608 after a harsh winter.

1607, December: Captain John Smith, on an exploring and trading trek, was captured by a Powhatan hunting party and eventually taken earlier Master Powhatan, who by this time had become main of about 32 Tidewater Virginia tribes. During this meet, Smith thought Powhatan threatened his life, and Powhatan's daughter, Pocahontas, saved his life. Many historians today believe that Smith was part of a test of superiority.

1608, January ii: John Smith was released by Powhatan and returned to Jamestown. Captain Christopher Newport arrived with the first Jamestown re-supply including provisions and more than men. They found 38 settlers remaining at Jamestown.

1608, January: Fire broke out in James Fort, causing much destruction. By spring, repairs had begun.

Smith took Newport to Werowocomoco on the York River to meet Powhatan. Chief Powhatan pronounced the English to be his people. 13-year old Thomas Savage was presented to Powhatan, and in return, Powhatan gave the English language his servant, Namontack. The English language traded copper and tools for corn.

1608, April x: Newport sailed to England with Gabriel Archer, Edward Maria Wingfield and Namontack.

1608, June: John Smith left Jamestown to explore the Chesapeake Bay, coming together Indian groups along the manner and mapping the bay and its tributary rivers.

1608, September ten: Smith was elected to exist president of the Virginia Quango. He established a set of rules, 1 of which required men to piece of work if they wanted to eat.

1608, September/October: Christopher Newport arrived in Virginia with the 2nd re-supply of goods and settlers, including the start 2 women, Mistress Forrest and her maid, Ann Burras.

1608, Fall: Ann Burras and John Laydon, laborer, were married. This was the offset English language marriage at Jamestown.

1608:John Smith'southward "True Relation", a clarification of events in Virginia through 1608, was printed in London.

1609 February-May: Progress occurred in Jamestown - 40 acres were cleared, a well was dug, the church re-roofed, xx cabins built, a blockhouse built at the isthmus, and a new fort erected across the river from Jamestown. Leadership adopted a more than ambitious policy towards the Powhatan people.

1609, Spring: Due to a shortage of food resources, John Smith scattered the settlers to get oysters and other foods.

1609, May: The Second Charter was granted past James I to the Virginia Company, giving power to a governor rather than to a council in Virginia and allowing the Visitor to sell shares of stock. The first appointed governor was Lord de la Warr, just he did not make it in Virginia until 1610.

1609, August: A fleet with more than than 300 new settlers arrived in Virginia. These men, women and children arrived tired and hungry. Their flagship, Sea Venture, carrying acting governor Sir Thomas Gates and other newly appointed colonial leaders, had shipwrecked in Bermuda.

1609, September: John Smith was injured in a gunpowder explosion, and returned to England in October, never to render to the Chesapeake area of Virginia. George Percy became acting president until new leadership arrived.

Gates/Dale Years

1610, Winter: This wintertime is ofttimes called the "starving fourth dimension," when the population of Virginia shrank from near 300 to xc (60 left at Jamestown). The Powhatan Indians placed the settlement under siege at this time. The siege warfare lasted virtually four years.

1610, May: Acting governor Sir Thomas Gates and the other survivors of the Sea Venture arrived at Jamestown from Bermuda. He found the fort in ruins and the remaining 60 colonists there "famished at the point of death." Thirty others at Point Comfort fared much better. Gates established martial police force to maintain lodge.

1610, June: Due to lack of supplies, Gates decided to carelessness the settlement at Jamestown and return to England. While sailing downwards the James River he heard that Lord de la Warr was arriving with new settlers and supplies from England. Everyone returned to Jamestown where Lord de la Warr soon assumed control equally the appointed Governor of Virginia. Gates left for England.

1610, Summertime: De la Warr set about rebuilding the colony. He expanded the strict code of laws established by Gates. These became known as "Lawes Divine, Morall, and Martiall." He rebuilt the triangular palisade, with a market place, storehouse and chapel occupying the interior.

1610, August: English soldiers, at the command of Lord de la Warr, raided the Chickahominy and Paspahegh villages, killing the married woman of the Paspahegh chief and her children.

1610-1611: John Rolfe, who arrived with the group from Bermuda, began experimenting with tobacco seeds he somehow acquired from the West Indies. He tried to discover a tobacco more pleasing to English language tastes than the biting native tobacco that the Powhatans grew.

1611, March: De la Warr became ill and returned to England with Dr. Lawrence Bohun, who experimented with New World plants and herbs. George Percy was left in charge in Virginia.

1611, May: Sir Thomas Dale arrived in Virginia to assume leadership as deputy governor. With him were 300 new settlers and soldiers, likewise as provisions, supplies, livestock and seeds to grow garden crops. He strengthened the rule of martial law.

1611, Baronial: Thomas Gates returned to Virginia and assumed control from Dale. Dale then went with workmen to build a new settlement at Henrico, most the fall line (present day Richmond), marker the beginning of expansion away from Jamestown. A settlement at Kecoughtan (later on Elizabeth City/Hampton) also was established as settlers sought healthier places to live.

1612: The Virginia Company received a Third Charter from James I, granting more country to the Company, including the Bermuda Islands. This charter allowed the Company to run lotteries to raise money.

1612-1616: The Gates/Dale administration established Virginia as a going business organisation. Accent during this period was abroad from Jamestown as settlement spread. Relations with the Powhatan Indians were tenuous through 1614.

1613, April: On a trading trek to the Potomac River, Captain Samuel Argall kidnapped Pocahontas and brought her to Jamestown, hoping her male parent, Powhatan, would return stolen English settlers, tools and weapons. When her father did not fully comply, Pocahontas was sent to Henrico under the care of the Reverend Alexander Whitaker.

1613: The fourth Virginia Visitor "urban center" was established at Bermuda Hundred (later on Charles City), following Jamestown, Henrico, and Kecoughtan.

1614: By 1614, John Rolfe had sent his start shipment of tobacco to England.

Pocahontas was baptized and given the Christian name Rebecca. In April, she married John Rolfe, probably at Jamestown. Peaceful relations were established temporarily betwixt the Powhatan Indians and the English.

Thomas Dale instituted the outset semi-private grants of land to individuals in three-acre parcels; other land still was held communally.

John Smith traveled briefly to New England, hoping to profit from investments there. He then returned to England, tried several other voyages, but was unsuccessful.

1616, June: Dale took Pocahontas and John Rolfe, with their infant son, Thomas, to England to promote investment in Virginia. Pocahontas was entertained at the court of King James I and Queen Anne. George Yeardley was in charge of Virginia.

Growth and Stability

1616-1617: The rise of "detail plantations" or "hundreds" began. A yr before, the Virginia Visitor, having no profits to pay its investors for their joint stock investments, began to grant land to private stockholding groups for settlement in Virginia. Anyone who endemic a share of Company stock received 50 acres (would later be 100); anyone who came earlier 1616 was entitled to 50 acres (would later be 100); anyone who came after 1616 and paid his/her ain way was also entitled to 50 acres (would later be 100).

1617: Pocahontas died at Gravesend, England. Rolfe left his son with an uncle in England and returned to Virginia.

Captain Samuel Argall replaced George Yeardley equally deputy governor. Lord de la Warr was even so governor until his death in 1618.

By this year, the fort was falling into ruins and was used primarily every bit a place of storage.

1618: Primary Powhatan died. Although his brother Opitchapam was officially the primary, his younger powerful half-blood brother Opechancanough took accuse.

Lord de la Warr died.

A New Authorities

1619, April: George Yeardley arrived to take his mail service equally newly appointed governor of Virginia, with the mandate to implement new instructions which attempted to reorganize the Virginia Company'due south activities in the colony, constitute a program of settlement and state reform, build a college at Henrico, and organize a legislative assembly. These instructions are oftentimes called "The Dandy Charter."

1619, July 30: The General Associates of the colony of Virginia, the start representative associates in English language America, met in the church building at Jamestown until August 4, 1619. The associates adopted the Virginia Company's instructions and passed some new laws.

1619, August: The first recorded Africans arrived in Virginia. A privateering ship, White Lion, arrived at Cape Condolement (Point Comfort) carrying xx or more Angolans. Treasurer arrived before long thereafter with more Africans. They were sold to Governor George Yeardley and the greatcoat merchant, who probably gave them the status of indentured servants.

1620: Approximately 90 women arrived in Virginia to supplement those already in the colony, and to serve every bit wives for the planters. Well-nigh fifty more arrived in 1621.

1620, December: The Pilgrims landed at Plymouth to establish a colony in "Northern Virginia."

1621, November: Sir Francis Wyatt succeeded Sir George Yeardley when Yeardley's three-year term expired.

1621: The settlers, hoping to produce silk, planted mulberry copse to feed silkworms. They had piffling success.

War, and the Demise of the Virginia Company

1622, March 22: Opechancanough led the Powhatan Indians in an uprising, killing almost one-tertiary of the 1200 colonists in Virginia. Jamestown was warned and was not attacked, merely survivors flocked to its fortification. Many outlying settlements were abandoned, and much sickness followed the uprising.

1622-1632: A period of intermittent warfare between English language and Indians.

1623: The King'southward Privy Council set up a commission to investigate the Virginia Company and weather in Virginia.

1624: John Smith published his "Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles."

Virginia became a royal colony. The Virginia Visitor was forced to yield its control to imperial authorisation. King James I retained Governor Wyatt as the first royal governor.

1625, January: A muster or census ordered by the Crown was taken, showing a total population of 1232 settlers and including numbers of weapons, livestock, grain, etc.

Virginial: A Royal Colony

1625: King James I died and was succeeded by his son, Charles I.

1628: The first General Assembly authorized by Charles I. These early on assemblies gave almost attention to Indians, defense, religion, tobacco, and taxes.

1630: A plan of government was adopted in Connecticut (charter granted 1662).

1630s: A large influx of primarily male indentured servants flooded into Virginia to work tobacco fields. They formed the bulk of the population.

Severe factionalism developed regarding John Harvey as governor.

1632-1644: A period of official peace between the English language and the Powhatan Indians was marred past hostile incidents, mainly by the English.

1634: Virginia was divided into eight shires, which later became counties, and the colonial office of sheriff was created.

Lord Baltimore established the colony of Maryland, which attracted numerous Catholics. Maryland's production of tobacco drove prices and profit down for the colonies.

1639: Jamestown grew. The beginning brick church was started.

1641: Sir William Berkeley was appointed governor of Virginia and arrived in the colony the following yr.

1644: With English plantations spreading throughout Tidewater Virginia the Powhatan Indians were pushed westward toward the fall line or into marginal areas similar swamps. Opechancanough led another uprising of the Powhatan Indians, killing about 500 colonists. State of war with the Indians continued for almost two years.

Rhode Island was chartered by Roger Williams.

1646: Opechancanough was captured and killed at Jamestown. A treaty of peace was made with the Indians, thus ending the Anglo-Powhatan war. Nearly of Tidewater Virginia was opened up to the English. Several small reservations were prepare aside by the English government for the diverse Powhatan tribes. Necotowance was the new Powhatan leader.

1649-1660: Civil war erupted in England, with the beheading of King Charles I and the victory of Oliver Cromwell, who instituted parliamentary control. Virginia remained loyal to the Crown and royalist forces but was forced to submit to the Republic government in England in 1652. Governor Berkeley, a strong supporter of the Rex, withdrew to Green Leap, his home well-nigh Jamestown, and Richard Bennett became governor.

1660: With the restoration of the monarchy, William Berkeley again became governor.

1662: A law passed by the Full general Associates required Indians to wear silvery or copper badges, inscribed with their tribe'due south proper name when they entered sure areas occupied by the English language.

The General Assembly passed legislation stating that children built-in in Virginia shall be bond or free co-ordinate to the condition of the mother.

1667: The General Assembly passed a law that the conferring of baptism does non modify the condition of a slave.

1669: The General Assembly passed a law that if a slave resisting his primary is killed by the severity of the correction, his death shall not exist considered a felony. It was reasoned that the slave owner would not intentionally destroy his own property.

1660s: Over-production of tobacco caused prices to autumn. Attempts were made throughout the decade to limit tobacco product in an effort to raise prices. Considering Maryland refused to cooperate, contest kept the prices down, driving out all only the larger planters.

North Carolina was established as a proprietary province.

1660s-1670s: Dutch ships destroyed Virginia tobacco ships in the colony during the Anglo-Dutch War.

1670:The Full general Assembly passed a law that no free Indians or negroes could buy Christian servants.

1676: Jamestown was burned during Bacon's Rebellion, in which the aggressive Nathaniel Bacon led an insurrection against established government for its weak Indian policy.

1677, May 29: A treaty was made at Middle Plantation with the Indians who had been under attack. The Indians ceded their lands and were confined to small reservations for which an annual tribute was paid to the colony. The Indians acknowledged they were subjects of the Male monarch of England.

1679: Jamestown was restored as the seat of government after Bacon's Rebellion.

1680: Pennsylvania was established as a proprietary colony past William Penn. Delaware also began as a proprietary colony.

1682: Planters held tobacco plant cutting riots, in an attempt to force tobacco prices support.

1691: A new police outlawed marriages between the English language and Indians. Indian lands continued to be taken away due to English language expansion.

The Movement to Heart Plantation

1693: The Reverend James Blair obtained a charter for the College of William and Mary at Middle Plantation.

1698, Oct: Fire burned the statehouse at Jamestown.

1699, April: The General Assembly met at Middle Plantation (Williamsburg) and decided to make it the new capital. Jamestown retained a seat in the Associates for at to the lowest degree lxx-five years.

  • Historical background materials fabricated possible past Archibald Andrews Marks.


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